Group 1 Kim,LeAh(Leah) , Kim,EoLam(Eolam) , Kim,SooHyun(Sean) , Hong,JuWan(Leon)
Today, people are throwing away trash without any thought. Now, and in the future, we all have to try to not make more trash. Everyone has to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Around us, there are lots and lots of trash. We have to reduce trash because of the environment. We hope people will recycle trash. If we recycle, we can make new things. If we reuse, we can make art. If we reduce, we can stop causing harm.
Group 2 Han,DoHyun(Isaac) , Park,JinWoo(Matthew) , Choi,YoonGwan(Yoongwan) , Yoon,SooHyun(Olivia)
All over the world, there is a lot of trash. We don’t compost and we keep forgetting the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. That is why we are going to become greener, greener, and greener. It is because we are working together to make the world cleaner. To do that, we are going to put plastic into the plastic recycling bin, and aluminum into its recycling bin. If these things become natural to us in the future, we believe that the Earth will become green!
Group 3 Kang,YiHyun(Emma) , Lee,SaBeen(Bella) , Kim,HyeonMin(Roy) , Park,GaYun(Elly)
There is so much trash on Earth. We can recycle trash. We have to recycle because the Earth is getting dirtier. We need to recycle trash or there will be no living things. When we protect the Earth, the air will be clean and people’s bodies will be healthy.
Group 4 Kim,DaU(Dau) , Kim,HaeSol(Mia) , Seo,HanJoon(Aiden) , Cho,YooHyun(Sheryl)
How do you feel when you see abandoned trash out in nature? Our group found a flower and a red brick outside. The flower was between some branches and the brick was under some bamboo. Builders discarded the bricks after they were used. Someone threw out the flower because it was rotten. We believe you should not dispose of things in nature, even if they are useless. If we throw things away in nature, the Earth will become a trash planet.
Group 5 Yang,HyoJoo(Chloe) , Park,JaeYoon(Sonny) , Jung,HaeIn(Bella) , Kim,DoYeon(Dorothy)
Have you ever seen a bug or flowers with trash on them? All over the world, there is a lot of trash that could become art, especially plastic. By not recycling, creatures are dying. We want to tell you how to recycle. First, we can reuse plastic. For example, we can cut plastic up to make a bucket. Second, we should take off labels before recycling. Thirdly, we need to check the recycling mark carefully.
Group 6 Yoon,Seol(Seoi) , Ahn,YoonHa(Yoonha) , Lee,JunHee(Timothy) , Lee,Lime(Bella)
Our team took photos of trash outside. The first photo is a water bottle with white flowers. The second photo is of a light green bottle with green leaves. While doing this project, we found lots of trash! This made us think about how important recycling is. We were also very sad because there was so much trash and pollution is bad. So many animals and plants will die. We could die because of pollution too. In conclusion, we have to recycle trash and not use plastic. And never throw trash on the streets of our Earth.
Self-eating Plastic
Group 1 Cho,Yool(Ella), Hong,JiHo(Olivia), Kim,WooJun(Brian). Lee,HyeWon(Joy)
Have you ever thought of ways to slow global warming? Well, we already thought of one. It is a bacteria that eats trash. But what are the benefits of plastic-eating bacteria?
P.E.T. is used in phone cases and it is hard to recycle. Now, we have found a way. It is by making bacteria that eat trash. They made plastic that can eat itself by adding spores of plastic-eating bacteria. Then, we can make plastic reusable and slow global warming.
However, not all scientists agree because people may stop worrying about making less plastic. They think people could believe that all plastic is reusable and they can use it as much as they want. Maybe, some companies wouldn’t use bacteria to compost plastic. Then it would have the opposite effect. It could speed up global warming.
The Earth is getting damaged because of trash. However, we can fix it. Some people believe using bacteria that eat trash is good and some don’t. Those who agree with this solution do so because we can slow global warming. The ones that do not agree think that people will use plastic without thought.
There are plenty of positives and negatives to this solution. It is something we have to keep thinking about.
India’s Air Problem
Group 2 Kyoung,JaeSeung(Jonathan), Baek,SaRang(Sarang), Kim,SeoWon(Stella), Kim,DoJun(Jun)
Air Pollution is getting worse day by day. One of the countries with the worst pollution is India. A city in India, called Delhi, has worse air every day. The AQI is getting higher. Delhi’s AQI score was 480. A lower number means the air is clean. An AQI score of 480 is extremely dirty. That is a dangerous rate.
It has a bad smog issue. On November 10th, people were advised to wear masks when going outside and participating in activities. That means smog issues were a dangerous threat to the country. That might cause serious diseases and health problems.
However, some problems have solutions. The government is spraying water from trucks. The water washes out some dust in the air to the ground. That makes the air have less dust. This way was not extremely effective but it had some good results.
The smog issue was also tackled by smog towers. These towers contained smog by capturing it. However, this way was not very effective, too. Luckily, a small part of the smog was then reduced by the sprayed water.
Delhi is having trouble with pollution and the government is trying to reduce it, but people all over the world are acting without thinking of the environment. Air pollution affects everyone. Even us. We should stop the pollution before it is too late.
Future Fertilizer for Farms
Group 3 Cho,YoonHyung(Rose), Sung,SeoYi(Jenna), Park,MinJoon(Aiden), Park,JiHeum(Jiheum)
There is a big problem with our food. The problem is that people use too much energy for farming. People use a lot of resources and make the soil bad for the plants and our food. For example, when farmer Will Allen came to Milwaukee, the soil was polluted with chemicals. He used worms and compost to clean the soil. What can we do for bigger farms?
We have another solution. The solution is that people will make fertilizers that don’t need as much energy. A company called FertigHy is going to build a factory in France to make these fertilizers. The factory will be ready by 2030. They will use less energy and get electricity from renewable sources like solar and wind.
There are other things we can do at home to help with farming pollution. For example, fish, water, and sprouts make a three-part farming machine. Also, it doesn’t need much energy. The sprouts get fish waste water and produce fresh water. In this way, the fertilizers will use less energy.
The problem is that we used too much energy for farming. So the solution is that people will make fertilizers that don’t use much energy. A lot of people think using too much energy for farming will cause pollution. The hope is that future farming will be successful, reduce pollution, and slow global warming.
Floating Solar Power
Group 4 Jung,HaYoon(Ella), Han,SeungWook(William), In,RaHel(Rachel), Son,BumGyu(Bumgyu)
Do you know what floating solar panels are? Scientists found out that floating solar panels could make more energy than land panels, and also save water. Solar panels are sometimes known as photovoltaics. Because these ones float, they are called floatovoltaics.
Scientists say floating solar panels could make more electricity than land panels. If we put floating solar panels on lakes all over the world, it could provide twice the energy the US generates in a year. Also 10 times as much energy as all the solar power currently being generated in the world. An example of them in use can be found in Korea. Floating solar panels are used in Hapcheon Dam.
Land panels need a large amount of land to build panels. But if we use one that floats, we could save land to protect wild animals. Also, floating solar panels save water. Some people think that its good to use it because we can protect the land. However, floatovoltaics also cost 25% more than land panels. And if they are extremely hot, they won’t work perfectly like on a cool day.
Some people believe that it could be dangerous for water animals. But, some people think that we can protect them by installing floatovoltaics, even if the animals dislike them. What do you think about floatovoltaics? Dangerous or not?
Ding Dong, the Fish Are Here
Group 5 Kim,JiHan(Kai), Kang,JiSung(Daniel), Shin,HaGyeong(Emma). Choi,SiHoo(Sihoo)
Do you know about the fish doorbell? In the Netherlands, there are many fish that lay eggs in the river. But, the door is closed. How can they go upriver?
There are many fish in the rivers of the Netherlands. They swim up the rivers to lay their eggs, but there are large doors in the rivers that stop them. If the fish can’t lay their eggs, they will go extinct. Then we can’t eat any more fish!
The people operating the doors made a kind of fish doorbell with a webcam. When people see fish there, they can ring the doorbell and the door opens. Then the fish can go up the river. Luckily, lots of people came to ring the doorbell. Moreover, in 2023 more people came to ring the doorbell, so the fish could lay their eggs safely.
This affects us too. If fish lay eggs, there will be more fish. We can learn about the fish and teach our children. Students can go on field trips to learn about the wildlife in their rivers. Also, it can be used for research.
The people nearby are happy. They said the fish are lucky and they hope the fish doorbell continues to work well. One said, “We hope the fish doorbell stays forever.” Let’s join them in ringing the doorbell.
Early Blossoms of Washington
Group 6 Lee,AhRin(Irene), Choi,JunWoo(Jaden), Kim,MinJe(Ailee), Cho,JaeHee(Jaehee)
Every year, Washington D.C. has the National Cherry Blossom Festival. It shows spring coming back. But Earth is getting hotter, so the blossoms are blooming earlier than last year. Cherry blossoms are blooming early, so scientists are worried too. Before the cherry blossoms bloom, they need to be exposed to cold weather so they can make more blossoms and fruit.
Preventing global warming protects the blossoms. We can take short walks, turn off lights when nobody is using them, and more. This will help keep our Earth green and healthy and slow global warming. Then the Earth can get away from the trash and pollution affecting its health, and the cherry blossoms can bloom at the right time, and for longer.
In Seoul, there are cherry blossoms blooming yearly for people to enjoy. Many families visit Yeouido to look at the blossoms and welcome back spring. But they have also been blooming early. This is a sign that Seoul is also getting warmer. It affects people all over the world so we all need to help to save the Earth, quickly!
How Can the Salt and Oil Lamp Help the Earth?
Group 1 Kim,SeJin(Sejin) , Park,YuJin(Chloe), Chun,InJun(Injun) , Lee,JiHyun(Jessica)
We can reuse used oil and jars to make a lamp that can help protect our environment. By doing this project, we learned that there are many ways we can save our planet. Our group decided to take care of our planet. We can save the Earth by riding our bikes or walking. Also, we can reuse newspapers, cloth bags and even oil, like we did! There are many more things that we can do to save our environment. What will we do to save our planet?
How Can the Salt and Oil Lamp Help the Earth?
Group 2 Woo,YeongJae(Ryan), Jung,AYoon(Olivia), Kim,YoonJoe(Luna), Kim,JooYoung(Daniel)
We can use less money and we can recycle oil. Also, we can still have light when power outages happen. We can reduce air pollution. It is also easy to recycle because these days people are riding in a lot of cars and people make too much trash. Oil lamps can make our planet healthier. So try making an oil lamp! It is fun and also it can help the environment. Let’s use salt and oil to make our Earth cleaner!
How Can the Salt and Oil Lamp Help the Earth?
Group 3 Na,YeonWoo(Helen), Seo,HyunHa(Paris), Jeon,JooHyuk(Jay), Lee,HaJun(Hajun)
First, oil lamps can reduce electricity. Second, we can reuse glass jars. Third, we can reuse the oil. Last, salt is natural so it doesn’t harm the Earth. For example, we can use this lamp when we read books at night. If we don’t reuse the oil, this oil will float into the ocean and lead to water pollution. Then the oil will cover the surface of the ocean, so bacteria die. It also leads to small fish dying. Just a little ocean pollution can make all sea animals die. So, we must reuse our old (used) oil.
How Can the Salt and Oil Lamp Help the Earth?
Group 4 Kim,SeoYeon(Arabella), Kim,TaeHoon(Austin), Kim,YuJun(Daniel), Kwon, YoungWoo(Thor)
We recycled used oil and used a glass jar to make a salt and oil lamp. This can help our Earth get clean and healthy. We can draw on used paper. Also, we can make dolls with old socks. We have to wash the socks before using them. We can also reduce electricity with salt and oil lamps. The candle is bright enough when it is dark so this helps our Earth be clean! Last, we can use our own tumblers, so we can use less plastic. The oil lamp is easy to make so we can make it at home. Let’s try different things to help save the Earth!
How Can the Salt and Oil Lamp Help the Earth?
Group 5 Park,YeEun(Irene), Lee,JuA(Jua), Ahn,SeHyun(Grace), Shin,HyunJoon(Leo)
We can reuse the oil and jars that we already used. We can also reduce electricity by using candles we make. The candle can inspire green ideas. To save energy, we can turn off the lights or electricity when we do not use it. This candle is made from used things so it is eco-friendly. This candle can help the Earth, we can reduce, reuse, and recycle. Can you imagine the Earth being clean and everything being recycled in the future?
How Can the Salt and Oil Lamp Help the Earth?
Group 6 Jeon,MinWoo(Max), Jeong,YuChan(Aiden), Uh,EunSoo(Eunsoo), Jeong,LiNa(Lina)
We can help the Earth by making this lamp because we can reuse trash like glass jars and used oil. Also, we can save electricity by using this lamp. People will not use used oil but when we make this oil lamp, we can reuse salt and used oil in a way that helps protect the Earth. When we don’t reuse these oils, it could be dangerous. If we don’t reuse it, the sea will be covered by oil, and then we couldn’t eat fish. When we eat fish, we will get sick because the water will be polluted. When people see our lamps people will make different inventions to save energy.
How Can We Reduce the Things We Waste?
Group 1 Park,SiYoung(Siyoung), Park,YeonWoo(Kai), Chun,JunHyung(Jun), Lim,ASo(Luna)
We can reduce car exhaust fumes, plastic bags, Styrofoam, plastic water bottles, and water pollution. Make use of energy from wind turbines instead of fossil fuels for cars, because fuel is not infinite. If we use up all of our fossil fuels, there will be nothing left for us to use. Also, turn off lights when you are not in the room to reduce electricity.
How Can We Reduce the Things We Waste?
Group 2 Kim,HyunSeo(Grace), Lee,YuJun(Emmett), Go,JeongWon(Irene), Yeo,SeoA(Sophia)
We can produce less food waste by only eating how much we need and buying only the things that we need. We can turn off the lights in the rooms that we are not using, and use only the amount of water that we need by turning off the taps in the bathroom. We can also reduce trash by not littering.
How Can We Reuse Things at School?
Group 3 Kim,Ian(Lilly), Shin,SeoJun(Alfredo), Kwak,DaWn(Elsa), Kim,MinJun(David)
We can reuse cardboard boxes, paper, milk cartons, etc. We need to reuse these things because when we reuse things, we can reduce garbage and we can make the Earth cleaner and healthier. And we will also be healthier and happier. We can reuse and make other useful ways to use trash. When we reduce, reuse, recycle, we can make the future healthier and happier.
How Can We Reuse Things at School?
Group 4 Lee,EunJun(Aiden), Kang,JiWan(Justin), Han,JeeIn(Lily), Kim,SooHyun(Shawn)
We can reuse paper by drawing pictures on the back of the paper. Nowadays, we use only one side of the paper. When you use both sides of the paper and reuse the paper, it will reduce the amount of paper trash, too. Let’s try to use both sides of the paper at school. When we waste plastic water bottles, they take a long time to decompose. We can make pots with plastic bottles. We have to reuse the plastic bottle because it is a serious problem in the ocean and on land.
How Can We Recycle Things at Home?
Group 5 Son,JiU(Victoria), Yang,SeungBin(Steve), Yoon,HaeIn(Irene), Lee,JunSeo(Tom)
We can recycle broken glass to make crystals. If we just dispose of it these it could be dangerous if someone steps on it or touches it. We could recycle broken glass into souvenirs. Glass is hard to recycle so if we throw it away, it will stay forever. We should recycle batteries because we use a lot of batteries in the house. If we discard them in the park, they could cause a fire or they could explode, so they are really dangerous. But when you recycle batteries, they are not dangerous and they can become new items.
How Can We Recycle Things at Home?
Group 6 Kim,YeonSeo(Yeonseo), Kim,HaJun(Noah), Lee,DongHo(Dongho), Park,JiAn(Elsa)
We could recycle glass because it is actually easy to melt. If we make some beautiful things, like glass cups, we could make some money and we can donate it to protect the environment by recycling glass – it is a chain reaction. We can slow down global warming. At the very least we hope to stop or slow down global warming.