(No.34) The Big Questions

Project Overview

Grade 1

The 1st grade students dived into the world of imagination, asking what if they had an animal’s body part and what they could do with it. They expressed their imagination by making collage art with animals’ and their photos.

Grade 2

Nature is full of wonders and adventures. The 2nd grade students planted barley seeds and observed the wonder of nature while learning about how they grow. Also, they wrote a piece of creative writing about their beautiful imaginary garden.

Grade 3

There are so many different animals in the world, and all of them need their own homes. The 3rd grade students researched animals from different habitats to show the huge variety of life around the world.

Grade 4

The 4th Grade cast a curious eye over the world of inventing. Some of them researched some lesser-known innovators who changed our world. The others carried out a problem solving exercise to come up with their own inventions.

Grade 5

Heroes come in many forms, some are fictional, and others are real people. But, how exactly can someone become a hero? The grade 5’s wrote, performed, and documented their own plays exploring the different characteristics of heroes, in combination with the different elements of plays. 

Grade 6

In order to anticipate what the future may bring, it’s important to know why things happen in the first place. Grade 6 explored this by taking a look at the causes and effects of natural disasters, while also making three dimensional models of the disasters themselves.