(No.33) Kyonggi News

Singapore Bound

Once again this year, the 6th grade students had the opportunity to travel to the vibrant city of Singapore. During their five days in the Lion City, they were able to visit many exciting attractions and learn about another culture first hand. From Universal Studios to the Merlion, it was a memorable experience that they will look back on for years to come.

Harmony in Nature

This year’s Parade of Love was conducted in honor of Children’s and Parent’s Day. Children and Parents alike were able to appreciate the beauty of nature on a magnificent spring day. Medals were awarded at the end of the hike in Seodaemun Independence Park. It was a wonderful experience for all involved.

The Wonders of Science

This year’s science festival gave students the opportunity to develop their creative thinking skills and also have a lot of fun. The students constructed mechanisms such as magnetic cars and air cannons. This kind of hands-on learning can really help students understand the importance of science and how it will benefit them in the future.

Our Door is Open

The 3rd graders were happy to have their parents visit their English class this year. The students were excited to show off their burgeoning language skills. They did a wonderful job enthusiastically presenting their projects to their parents and classmates. Their parents also had the opportunity to see the exceptional progress they have been making. It was a valuable experience for everyone present.

Visit the Market

This year’s Market Day was once again a grand success. The multitude of stalls featured an impressive variety of delicious treats and fantastic products for our students to browse. The students were thrilled to be able to enjoy a beautiful day outside playing, eating snacks and selecting fun new things. They are certainly already looking forward to the return of the Kyonggi Market.